"Weight loss" Arama Sonuçları

Awareness Of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Anaclet NZAGWANEZA from University of Rwanda (ENTRY 47)

In a developing world, healthy lives with fit bodies have been such a big deal for everyone. You will see many people early in the morning, or later in the evening doing physical exercises for the sake of losing weight or for keeping their bodies in shape. But when they get home, they eat the double of what they lost. Others will be busy drinking a lot of water and skipping meals in order to keep their bodies’ good curves but at the very end, they replace the skipped meal with the double actual meal. This stays continuous until at the time of results you will see that instead of losing weight, you just lost your time.

Hypertension (The silent killer lurking on us)
You may know or have heard of hypertension or know/have known someone who has the condition. Hypertension or High Blood Pressure affects 25% of the adult population and over 50% people with hypertension are undiagnosed But what do you really know about one of the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the modern world.